
Never Use Pesticides On Your Dog

How I Almost Killed My Best Friend      Every dog owner goes through this. Sooner or later your dog is going to start itching. You see them preoccupied with scratching and itching. My dog stares at an area like her back leg and waits for the flea to bite. The she attacks her leg like it’s a piece of raw steak! Or maybe she sits and itches herself with her hind leg. For the dog , its torture to have bugs biting her. You know how you feel during mosquito season right? It’s the same for your dog although biting the flea rarely works. It may stop the flea from biting the dog but the chances of killing it are slim. So the torture goes on and on. So most of us buy some kind of flea medicine. Topicals like Frontline or Advantix are popular. They are sold and advertised everywhere. No prescription is needed. Just buy the stuff, slit one of the liquid packs and rub it into your dogs shoulders. Why the shoulders? BECAUSE ITS POISON and you don’t want the dog to lick it. I hated the